Friday, July 31, 2009

Hannah Flies out - PDX

There she goes! off on her big adventure. We waited at the airport for a few hours and then finally we just had to say goodbye. It was teary and sad - but at the same time we were very happy and excited for her. Who wouldn'd be? This is an adventure of a lifetime.

It finally became real yesterday. I know we have been involved with the Rotary for almost 8 months now, but it never is really real until the final "Good Bye" I am so happy, envious, anxious, and overjoyed for my lovely daughter!

She will meet so many new people, eat different foods, wear different clothes and take all new classes in school. Ha Ha - school starts on August 6th for her. Her little brother, Tolga, said he would help her in school. Lets just hope the 3 months she is with this family goes well and they do not tire of each other.

Maybey the is why they only stay 3 months - so that they don't all get sick of each other..... hmm will have to test the theory. Anyhoo - good luck my lovely Hannah and I will hear from you in a few months.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Shopping on Thursday

Gotta go shopping for gifts for the families in Germany. Hannah still thinks she needs new clothes as well. We are gonna trek to Powells downtown Portland. Maybe hit VooDoo donuts as well. Yum!
Wish us luck and later I will let you know what we bought!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

hannah to germany

So I just found out that I have to pay over $700 more for her plane ticket. Ouch! not much grocery shopping for the next few weeks. While I am very excited for her it is such a financial drain.
Her dad said he would help out with her trip, but true to form he backed out (again) and left her high and dry. No help from her paternal side of the fam at all. Not that I am surprised. This has always been a typical occurrence.
I still gotta find $500 for her to take as well. Ah, the joys of kids. They get bigger and so do their toys~